2012: The National Year of Year

Book Cloud supports the 2012 National Year of Reading. Mind you, every year is a year of reading as far as I'm concerned :)

If you love reading and all things literary, then this is the site for you.

Sunday, February 5, 2012

The 2012 Creative Reading Prize

As part of the National Year of Reading, the Centre for Youth Literature is running the Read This! Creative Reading Prize. Readers around Australia will be asked to upload their response to a favourite book to a dedicated website.

Entries will run from March 1 – May 31 and may include a range of traditional and multi-media activities, such as fan fiction, poetry, craft, mashups, and book trailers.

The collective prize pool is $40 000 !!!!

The website: readthis2012.com.au is not yet up and running but... stay tuned to learn more about this amazing opportunity.

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