2012: The National Year of Year

Book Cloud supports the 2012 National Year of Reading. Mind you, every year is a year of reading as far as I'm concerned :)

If you love reading and all things literary, then this is the site for you.

Sunday, September 11, 2011


The 2011 Inky Awards

 The Inky Awards are special awards for Ausralian teen choice book awards. They have been awarded since 2007 and are chosen by teenagers who vote for their favourites from the supplied shortlist. The Gold Inky is for an Australian Book and the Silver Inky is for an International Book.

 Cath Crowley who was our Resident Artist in Residence in 2010 has her novel 'Graffiti Moon' on this years Gold shortlist. Perhaps you might like to vote for her. This novel along with others from the Children's Book Council Award List are available to borrow in the ISC.
This years Artist in residence, Simonne Howell was a past Gold  Inky Award winner.

You can vote for your favourite Gold and Silver Inky Award by clicking on the website link below. Voting will be open until midnight October 14.


The following are Inky Award 2011 shortlisted titles:

Gold Inky (Australian Book)

Graffiti Moon- Cath Crowley

This is Shyness- Leanne Hall

Silvermay- James Moloney

Black Painted Fingernails -Steven Herrick

All I Ever Wanted -Vikki Wakefield

Silver Inky (International Book)

Dash and Lily’s Book of Dares- Rachel Cohn & David Levithan

No and Me- Delphine de Vigan

Clockwork Angel- Cassandra Clare

The Agency: The Body at the Tower -Y.S. Lee

Where She Went -Gayle Forman

Voting will be open until midnight October 14.

2011 Creative Reading Response Competition
You can also win great prizes by writing a creative response to the 2011 Creative reading response competition;

The beauty of this prize is that you, the reader chooses the form of your entry!

Teens and readers alike are invited to submit a creative response to a book you  love. It can be in ANY FORMAT YOU CHOOSE!  

Below are some suggestions to get you started:

-write a short story using the characters/setting (feel free to add zombies)

-make a video trailer or a machinima trailer

-write a poem or a song

-illustrate your favourite scene/character

-sew a costume

-make a model

-create an art piece

A Sony Reader Touch, complete with some awesome e-book titles to read!
(if you win)
And there will be MANY runners-up who will get free books, book vouchers, and any other fun stuff we can find.
Submit your entries to youthlit@slv.vic.gov.au (or email a link to the YouTube/flickr/whatever page where your entry lives) and place ‘Creative Reading Prize’ in the subject line.


You can post your entry to:
Inkys Creative Reading Prize
Centre for Youth Literature
State Library of Victoria
328 Swanston Street
Melbourne, VIC 3000

Your entry MUST include:
your name, your email address, your postal address, your age, and the name of the book you are responding to.

You can be any age to submit, and there will be runners-up of all ages, but the Grand Prize can only be won by someone under 20.
Be as creative as possible. You can enter as many times as you like.

Winners will be announced on October 25 at InkyFest, taking place at the State Library of Victoria. The winner of the Creative Writing Prize will also be announced on the 25th Oct.