'The Laws of Magic' by Michael Pryor
Although it took some time to get used to the views and values of 'The Laws of Magic' and the sometimes stifling world of these upper crust, Edwardian Brits. Still, with a great opening line like: 'Aubrey Fitzwilliam hated being dead.' - and the scientific treatment of magic which is an unusual approach, I quickly became entranced. If you like reading novels written in the time of Sherlock Holmes but enjoy the twist of the supernatural, this series is the one for you.
'The Further Adventure of Sherlock Holmes: The Seventh Bullet' by Daniel D. Victor and 'Seance for a Vampire' by Fred Saberhagen.
I found both these books extremely good reading and surprisingly complementary to the original Sherlock Holmes books by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. Written as the orignal tales were written, through the eyes of Watson, arch villains and love interests return but in a style and dealing with concerns that have a more modern flavour. Holmes' ability to rationalise the most cryptic clues and formulate a thesis are just as impressive while the decision to relate Holmes to Dracula in the 'Seance for a Vampire' novel comes off believable and possibly may even account for some of his extraordinary, almost supernatural abilities, at times. A great series, well worth reading.
The Seventh Bullet' by Daniel D. Victor
Set in the U.S. and dealing with the murder of David Graham Philips supposedly with a six shooter but involving a mysterious seventh bullet, the plot has all the conspiracy theories, political machinations and washing of dirty linens in public as the notorious J.F.K. assassination with it's 'magic bullet'. The combination makes for a heady, page flipping read with numerous red herrings to keep you wondering. Highly recommended.
Although it took some time to get used to the views and values of 'The Laws of Magic' and the sometimes stifling world of these upper crust, Edwardian Brits. Still, with a great opening line like: 'Aubrey Fitzwilliam hated being dead.' - and the scientific treatment of magic which is an unusual approach, I quickly became entranced. If you like reading novels written in the time of Sherlock Holmes but enjoy the twist of the supernatural, this series is the one for you.
'The Further Adventure of Sherlock Holmes: The Seventh Bullet' by Daniel D. Victor and 'Seance for a Vampire' by Fred Saberhagen.


Set in the U.S. and dealing with the murder of David Graham Philips supposedly with a six shooter but involving a mysterious seventh bullet, the plot has all the conspiracy theories, political machinations and washing of dirty linens in public as the notorious J.F.K. assassination with it's 'magic bullet'. The combination makes for a heady, page flipping read with numerous red herrings to keep you wondering. Highly recommended.
'Clockwork Angel' by Cassandra Clare

'A Fisherman of the Inland Sea' by Ursula K. Le Guin

'The Butterfly Tattoo' by Philip Pullman
